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Enlightening Liberals

Guest Patriot

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I agree, we speak different languages. Ann Coulter (and the rest of us "right wingers") speak clearly and "tell it like it is".  Republicans believe in taking responsibility for your own actions, we believe in less government and less tax, we believe in a strong military and self reliance.  The LoonyLeft, on the other hand, believes in more government; open borders, free health care and free tuition for illegal aliens. They (you) believes the U.S. should become a socialist state, a nanny state where the government takes care of you from cradle to grave (and takes most of your paycheck to pay for it). The LoonyLeft would love to ban God

and create a godless socialist society.  Fortunately, the Defeatocratic Party is losing popularity. The american public is becoming more politically astute and recognizing how outdated and dangerous the LoonyLeft mentality has become.

Speak clearly and "tell it like it is?"

- Does Bush call his economy a "bubble" economy? (And he has yet to come close to what Clinton achieved.)

- “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Taking responsibility?

- Following "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" with taking August 2001 off.

- Q. But don't you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won't truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.

Less government?

- Oh yeah? Do tell.

Less tax?

- If you paid less tax and didn't suffer falling or stagnant real-dollar income, bravo for you. I hope your take-home pay or net worth (not including debt) went up 50% since 2003 like the Dow did. Otherwise, just wait for the "trickle down."

Strong military?

- I would think an average Girl Scout could send history's most badass military power into a third-world country whose best weaponry is made from discarded garage door openers and win. Sadly, Bush couldn't.

Self reliance?

- Tax breaks for oil companies and reliance on foreign oil

- Rebuilding Iraq but not New Orleans

- Record foreign debt, much of it to a Communist country

Your version of God involves televangelists, Moonies, and military-style camps for kids hosted by the likes of Ted Haggard. Spend a night away from Ann Coulter and read the Book of Matthew. You might learn something.

The trouble with guys like you is that you S**K up lip service like nobody's business. As long as it has enough "straight talk," you don't care if it's true or realistic. You're just single-minded ideological bigots, and for that you are the ultimate sucker.

- Who cares if tax breaks are paid for with record debt?

- With all that "strong military" talk, who cares if your leaders avoided military service (for a war I'm sure they supported, no less.)

- You'd scream bloody murder over a nickel gas tax, but you'll grease up your pucker to pay an extra dollar or two for Iranian crude pumped up with the help of America-defecting Halliburton.

- Among the industrialized world, who cares if the US ranks worse than any cheese-loving socialist country in terms of poverty, longevity, abortion and teen pregnancy? You'll vote in politicians who will send jobs to the orient, deny health care to poverty-stricken kids and believe that boobs are more dangerous than guns.

You guys hate Americans who disagree with you with as much zest as any middle eastern terrorist, and you'll support a President who coddled the likes of Prince Bandar, Ahmed Chalabi and any bin Laden not named Osama. For that and the reasons listed above, you make any stinking, flea-bitten, long-haired hippie look good.

Fortunately, moderate Americans are finally waking up to your garbage. Maybe we'll get back the Republicans of fiscal responsibility and competence one day.

Personally, I hope people like you remain vocal, so we are reminded of what America has to guard against.

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