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Guest Environmental Guy

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Oh, and you guys are all so original and you all present so many different perspectives on issues!! How many different ways can you say, "Sour grapes?"

PS: That clause should read,  "...among all of them."

Why is every criticism of the Mayor "sour grapes?"

The reality is that Spectraserv applied for a variance in 2001 to expand their sewage sludge operation. The Zoning Board turned it down. Spectraserv then sought the assistance of the U.S. Dept. of Energy to help with their appeal. I introduced a Resolution objecting and I suggested to the Mayor that we fight the appeal by hiring a special counsel. The Mayor felt there was no basis for an appeal and so a special counsel was unnecessary.

Well guess what? They won the appeal, expanded their facility, and expanded the stench that comes with it.

Now, tell me again. Who's fault is that?

Jim Mangin

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