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Posts posted by Nicky

  1. Wait a minute, are you guys actually -surprised- that there are cops breaking laws? I see it nearly every day. When I worked at Shop-Rite, there was an officer whose name I never knew who would come in almost every day and buy his lunch from foods to go. He would park in the fire lane; I guess cops are above looking for parking spaces, eh? Nevermind that if there were an actual fire and a truck needed to park there, he'd be putting every last employee and customer there at risk. Who cares about those minor details? And now that I work out of town, I see them parking very frequently in the only handicapped space in my business' parking lot just to go into the 7-11 next door to buy a drink, or snacks, or a newspaper. I'm sure they don't care about the elderly customers who really need that close space. And how many cops have I seen speeding without their flashers, making illegal u-turns when not in pursuit of a criminal, etc? I couldn't even tell you. The list goes on and on. If I've seen this much activity and I'm only 23, how the hell do you all still have a blindfold on? Most of you seem much older than I am.

  2. It seems to me like every time I go to make a turn in this town, there is a car (or more often, a large SUV or truck) parked in the yellow space on the very end of each block, making it EXTREMELY difficult to see if there is oncoming traffic racing towards your car. I've had at least ten "close calls" in the past month alone due to inconsiderate people too lazy to park halfway up the block or around the corner. Do our cops even care? Somehow I don't think they do, considering that around the police station, they tend to do it themselves; also considering that when I worked at Shop-Rite, I saw police officers parking in the "DO NOT PARK- FIRE LANE" section *every* *single* *day*. It's not even like they were on real police business; one officer came in just about daily for lunch, parking improperly every time. These officers can visit Dunkin Donuts ten times a day, and yell at kids hanging out near the library or a public park four or five times in one afternoon, but apparantly they don't care about anything that causes us real danger and don't even care if they are the ones causing it themselves. Seriously, is there anything we can do about this? I'd sure be a hell of alot happier if they spent the money we're all paying them on actually, oh I don't know, doing their jobs? What happened to the whole "serve and protect" thing that everyone tries to jam down our throats as kids? I've only seen an officer serving or protecting anyone once or maybe twice in my twenty three years in this town.

  3. I honestly cannot believe that people are making such a big deal out of this. Skirts and dresses are not the same thing! Furthermore, it's not like Matt is the only boy to ever wear a skirt (or whatever it was, because I haven't seen it) to school to protest the fact that shorts are often only allowable after days or even weeks of forcing the guys to suffer through high temperatures in un-air-conditioned classrooms wearing long pants while girls can often wear skirts so short that they look like tramps. Hell, I saw an MTV special on a group of boys that did it once, and I'm talking so long ago that I was still in high school at the time (at least five years ago, at most nine). And people really need to stop swearing Mr. P "never preached to me!" Maybe he didn't do it to your class specifically, but I highly doubt that. Myself and several of my friends who had him during different class periods during the same year noticed it and applauded the fact that someone finally stood up to the jerk. There was also an instance of a TEACHER complaining about the same thing at a Board of Ed meeting around '96, as told to me by someone who was on the Board of Education at that time and heard the whole thing (whose name I won't mention because I don't know how he'd feel about that). He was told to stop, but clearly he didn't. Why haven't we fired this man yet?

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