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Aaron P.

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Posts posted by Aaron P.

  1. Prohibiting students from recording their classes is a bad idea for many reasons.

    1. Some students find recordings useful. This isn't limited to those classified as disabled under the law. Recordings are valuable educational tools for some students. Taking that tool away is wrong. It's like using a meat axe to remove a sliver.

    I wanted to briefly address this point. I raised the same issue in the other thread under messages of support for Matthew. I completely agree with the argument that is made above. In my educational experience, as classes progressively became more intricate and detailed in terms of content and complexity, the demand also rises to spend more time outside of class studying the content of lecture notes, handouts, and textbooks at greater length to increase comprehension of what you're supposed to be learning. Once I began to record lectures, it provided me with another resource, in addition to the others, that not only enhanced my education, but it resulted in more A's. The ability to go back and review parts of lectures that are complex gave me the opportunity to better understand what I was learning.

    Don't take it just from me, folks. Professor Claude W. Olney, J.D, who teaches at Arizona State, also encouraged students to consider tape recording lectures.

    Oh by the way, Prof. Olney, for those who don't know who he is, was the author of the benchmark series "Where There's A Will, There's An A: How to Get Better Grades In High School."

  2. Please tell me you live in Kearny. *chuckles*

    I can't say that I do, Strife, and in a way I'm glad I'm not because I'm not in a hurry to move to a community where I could (very potentially) get persecuted and receive death threats for standing up for civil rights. Once the fundamentalists saw my atheist bumpersticker, or saw me wearing my atheists in foxholes sweatshirt, for example, I have little doubt that I would suffer the same discrimination as the LeClair family has. Also, taking into consideration all these ad hominem attacks that have been baselessly hurled against you in this forum, it evinces how welcome someone in your community might be that rejects ancient religious dogma. My hat is totally off to you for handling all those ad hominem attacks in such a dignified and respectable way. Keep up the good work!

  3. (Awww...does the guest think I'm Satan?)

    If it was up to me, I'd want him fired. I mean...not only for the stuff he did (as if that wasn't more than bad enough), but on top of that, the demonstration that he is an incredibly inept history teacher...no one who teaches AP history should be getting all of these basic things wrong about the Constitution. He's let his faith cloud his sense of reality--no one, who thinks that separation of church and state is not a concept outlined in the Constitution and by the founding fathers, is competent enough to teach AP history.

    But, in light of the school board's decision, I would settle for forcing him to admit the error of his actions, and to 'retract' the lies he spread to his class that undermined the entire science curriculum at the school. Publicly, in front of his students, if not the whole school (hell, put it on the PA system during morning announcements (if KHS still has the same routine I remember)).

    I fully agree. There has to be some kind of public admission of wrongdoing at the very least. Especially in light of the fact that he still believes he was fully within the letter of the law to preach in the classroom. Then if he refused to do that, can him.

  4. Don't forget to say what was also mentioned during the meeting...That the kearny public schools will soon not allow students to record classes. It will be against the school policy. Mrs. McDonald also mentioned this small detail during the meeting and said that they are still working on it.

    Hmmmm. What are they so afraid of that's going on in a public classroom that they would fear being recorded? What are they trying to cover up?

  5. Thank you for standing up for the Constitution, Matthew.

    I used to tape record lectures in a few different classes in college for review purposes because I noticed that every now and then I would miss something because subjects always move along so quickly and some subject material can be very complex. No instructor I worked with ever objected to being recorded and my grades always benefitted positively from having more data than just in-class notes to review. I can't believe you have had to endure criticism just for having taped the lectures! In my estimation, your taping class lectures evinces that you are a dedicated student that cares about your education. Not only do I think it was a good thing that you taped class lectures, I for one wouldn't discourage you from continuing to do it in the future in any class if you think it could increase your likelihood of getting a better grade.

    Keep up the good work and I fully support you and your dad.


    Washington State

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