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Posts posted by haligan

  1. What a joke. The HFD EMS is second to none. By none do you mean zero? I'll take my volunteer ambulance corp. at the Jersey Shore and I don't have to pay a cent for it. And here's the kicker, we also have a volunteer Fire Dept. that I would put up against the HFD anytime. Like I told our Town Adm. " you better never think about a paid FD". It would be an economic disaster for the town. :unsure:

    So why do you care about what happens in Harrison.

  2. Thats exactly why the town doesn't need the Fire Department. It is just ambulance service which the town could contract for a fraction of 10 to $13 million. As to resonse time time, I have witnessed E. Newark, Kearny, and even Jersey City arrive at a fire in Harrison before the HFD. The first thing the HFD does, even in a garbage can fire is to call for mutual aid. That is my opinion.

    There has never been a fire in Harrison when a mutual aid company has arrived first. So you really don't know what you are talking about. And as far as fire companies we they are working at bear minimum now. 1 engine, 1 truck, 1 ambulance, and 1 battalion chief work each shift . That is as low as you can get.

  3. IMO, the Fire department clubhouse should be transformed into a real police station. Take out the beds, gourmet kitchen, and big screen TV's and use the property accordingly. The only answer they provide to the drug testing is to sue the town. Whats the problem. I don't want some coked up nut speeding thru town in a fire engine to go to get lunch or the credit union to deposit their checks. All they can talk about is an alleged cop stressed out and needing help. The ones who really need help are the taxpayers. I would estimate that 50% of the cars in Harrison are uninsured because its either pay that or the rent or the mortgage and taxes. The Fireman would want the cops to hurt these people further by taking their cars so they cannot even go to work. Well, not everyone has a $100,000.00 job to sleep, eat, and crap under the guise of a fire department. THE ECONOMY s**ks FOR ALL BUT THE CHOSEN FEW IN TOWN HALL, HEALTH DEPT., COUNCIL, FIRE DEPT., AND CERTAIN OTHERS WITH SECRET JOBS, RIGHT POWELL.

    You should really get all of your facts straight. You are talking about peoples lives in the balance. The men of the FD are there to serve the community. There are many incidents that go unreported to the public such as CPR's and medical emergencies. The response time of our FD cuts down on the escalation of many fires. The EMS service is second to none just ask the Kearny residents. Including all of East Newark's EMS. When there is a large incident and mutual aid comes to town you have to understand that our FD has been other places such as Jersey City, Newark, North Hudson, and all of Kearny's fires numerous times. The salary of the FD is lowest in the county. All of the other FD's in the county are paid more and don't have EMS. These men are here to serve and are proud of what they do.

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