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No Crying in baseball

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Posts posted by No Crying in baseball

  1. Oh my gosh, stop the whining!!! I played baseball at KHS a long time ago - predating the current coaches. At that time, the coaches had their favorites. There were groups of parents who kissed the behinds of the coaches, invited them for dinner, and pushed their kids' agendas. And our coaches cursed a blue streak at us when we lost, made mistakes or the like (and you really only had to bring running shoes the day after a loss, because that's what you'd be doing all day).

    Do you know what I did? I worked harder than the coaches favorites. I played harder than the kids whose parents kissed behinds. And I EARNED my spot in the starting lineup - batting Clean-Up. No whining. No crying. Just play ball.

    And when I got yelled at, I dusted myself off and tried to make sure that I didn't make another mistake. After awhile, I EARNED the respect of my coaches (who stopped yelling because they knew I beat myself up over an error more than they could), and I EARNED the respect of my teammates.

    What are your kids EARNING when you take up the fight for them, and protect them from the realities of life that they will surely face when they leave high school. Challenge your kids to overcome their obstacles instead of giving them built-in excuses. You are crippling them for life, and you don't even realize it.

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