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Posts posted by Franklin

  1. :lol::lol: This is for Franklin- Let me be honest! When I wrote about Franklin Ave/The Gardens I only put the words 'Original Trash' so that I would possibly get a response from someone and I am glad I did. I know that everyone that lived there was not trash thats ridiculous. You have to admit it, your parents had a list of kids that you had to stay away from. One fact I will make is that I don't forget where I came from! I came from (5th and Cleveland) and know that we were garbage. I'll also swear on a stack of Bibles that everytime that I went to Franklin Ave.(my grandmother lived in the gardens) I left with something missing. (a jacket,a baseball mitt,a football and even my sneaks!) I remember getting my pockets run and my money taken by a group of about 20 kids. They laughed at my friend and took his bike. I also remember telling my friends father and we went back to look for the bike. when we got there they all ran (I mean disappeared within a second) we went into a yard (1st six family on right off Hamilton) and found about 20 bicycles, there was Basketballs,Baseballs,Broken Toys it looked like 'Two Guys' the day after Christmas. One thing did stick out that day! Can you Guess? Wrong! It was my friends brand new bike with fresh spray paint still running off it. My old man said 'forget it' and went back to The Moose. True Story! I'll be honest, I hope that I get a few laughs with this stuff. If you like what I write(nothing vicious) let me know with a decent reply. I have alot of pretty funny stories about "The Way it Used to be'. Oh Yeah! Don't have Amnesia!

    Your killing me with these stories. Either both of us have amnesia or selective memory or quite possibly senility is setting in for me in my mid-forties. I do however detect one bit of truth in your story, the part about the first house on the right of Franklin Ave. I guess you are talking about the house beside the playground/basketball court? If so, you are correct. There were in fact basketballs, soccer balls, and various sports equipment kept in the corner of that yard. These were for everyones use, they were donated to us kids from our councilman Tommy Kinsella ( He should have been knighted or at least nominated for saint hood) Believe it or not some even came from a few Harrison cops, one that grew up on Franklin Ave & Another that grew up in the Gardens. (Imagine that)

    As for the bikes parts, you are again correct, there were numerous old bike parts in that yard too. Again most were from bikes that were thrown out and stripped for various pieces, some kids even made complete bikes out of them. Actually, I always felt that was the true origin of the BMX bike; invented right there. Building 3-4 foot ramps and seeing how many kids that would lay down in front that you could jump over. (It was in the Evil Kenevil days mind you) I will not be so naive as to say no kid on Franklin Ave. ever stole a bike, but honestly most of those parts were either thrash (the original recyclers) or broken. There was a kid that lived in that house that had a talent for fixing bikes, almost every kid on the block sought his services at one time or another for bike repairs. I guess as long as I am being honest we originated riding your buddy on the back standing on stolen Pecter truck shift knobs, I guess we were really thugs...OMG! ( I hope the statue of limitations has run out, I don't want to get pinched by the Harrison P.D. after all these years)

    Another thing, I do ride through Harrison often. Hey, I am a very nostalgic kind of guy. I work in Newark, in areas most people would not tread. I do know a little bit about reality, just a tad. Interestingly, the people in Newark complain about the city Government too, they also say the Police & Fire Department and city jobs are corrupt. I guess that is nothing knew, I am sure they say that in Fargo, North Dakota too, even though I have never been there, I will bet they do. Thanks for some pretty good memories and a few heart felt smiles.

  2. You must have Amnesia! Franklin Ave had a Gang when Gangs were unheard of! If you were dumb enough to walk past 'Their' basketball court (by yourself of course) They would either beat you and take your money or just beat you up. The Gardens were no better same thing there! If you went into 'The Circle' Same thing, kids came from everywhere to get at you. That doesn't happen anymore cause all the original trash from The Gardens and The Ghetto are long gone? So stay in Bricktown, shut up and watch the boats! In alot of ways Harrison is better now than it used to be!

    I read your post and it made me laugh. I was one of those so called kids from Franklin Ave. back when, as you said we beat everyone up that just walked by. Did that honestly ever happen to you or anyone you actually knew? Did you ever see that happen to anyone with your own eyes or did your parents tell you about those things? Maybe they were afraid you would associate yourself with those lower class (economic class) kids. The gang you are talking about (I assume) was the "Ghetto boy's". There never was an organized gang on Franklin Ave., that name was given to the neighborhood by the older Harrison P.D. Officers, if memory serves me correctly it was Officer ******** that coined that moniker. We just had fun with it, somehow it stuck. There were about 150-200 kids in that area including the Gardens. The biggest crime I can ever remember being committed was "Juveniles creating a disturbance", That call usually came in from little old ladies that didn't want the kids sitting on their porch. " I do remember though, what ever did happen in the town was usually blamed on the kids from Franklin Ave., regardless of where it happened. Some families kids were constantly harassed and blamed for just about everything (Two come to mind right away) My Mother & Father had seven children, my Father worked in a factory in town, as well as my Mother. We didn't have much, unless you count love. My parents did however put food on the table and did the best they could, all of us turned out pretty good I might add.

    Thanks for the laugh, anymore stereotypes? Excuse me I have to go wack someone, and launder some money. You know how us Ghetto kids are. Thanks for making me smile!

  3. After following a link to this site from a rant of what Public Officials in Harrison are paid, I for one was impressed by the names I saw on the Harrison employee roster. Many of the people on the list including the Council, Police, Fire, teachers and public works departments are long standing residents of the town, with histories of public service to Harrison, for generations.

    Many I knew, and quite a few, I either grew up with or went to school with, some were even neighbors. If you honestly believe your town employees are over paid, I suggest you do some research. You just might want to compare those salaries to , oh, I don't know like Bergen county municipalities, or other towns within Hudson & Essex counties. I think if you are honest, you will see they are paid fairly, or under paid.

    That is not even to mention the fact, you have some very capable, decent and hardworking people on that list. I think it is fair to state you are getting a bargain compared to comparative towns.

    No I do not live, work or have any affiliation or anything to gain, that is why I can be honest. Well I guess that isn't exactly true. I was raised there and the town means a very lot to me and my family. I miss it a lot.

  4. Who is else is stealing is the question????? Who replaced Tanski? I think that is what people should be worried about.

    I honestly don't think it would matter if Moses or Mary took the job next, people on this site would find fault. Did you apply for the job or any other town position in Harrison? If not shut up, or build a boat so you won't drown in a river of your own tears. Get a job, make something of yourself. If you tell the Department of Civil Service you have a learning disability they have to make special provisions for people like yourself. They can speak real slow and print everything in large letters, you can even use crayons...you just might have a chance.

  5. If Harrison's so great why don't you move back. You've been gone for 20 years. Rodgers is gone. McDonough has no clue. His buddy steals 100,000 in quarters and he has no clue. If you believe him, what else is happening that he doesn't know about. He is either lying or a poor manager.

    If I could move back I would, maybe in the near future though. How is the Mayor responsible for what an employee of the town did? Seems to me the man has been sent to jail for his indiscretion/crime. If the Mayor condones these sort of things, then how come he didn't sweep it under the carpet? How come the Mayor didn't use his influence to keep him out of jail?

    I will speak for myself on this one, but I for one wouldn't want to spend three years in prison for $100,000 or even $100,000,000. If the politicians are so powerful and the P.D. are in their pockets, who allowed the investigation to go forward? Seems like the right thing was done to me. If he was a so called friend of the Mayor's, that only proves how honest the mayor was on this issue, at least.

    The man made a huge mistake and is paying for it severely, he even pled quilty. You act as though he got a pardon from Bill Clinton, for heavens sake.

  6. It is kind of sad to see not much has changed in the psyche of the people of Harrison. I see Franklin Ave & The Gardens still get beat up, and are the blame for a lot of the towns woes. It has been over twenty years ago I left Harrison, not much has changed, has it?

    The Kids from Franklin Ave & the Gardens got the short end of the stick then and still do it seems. Are the Franklin Ave. & Garden kids still labeled and targeted in the High school? Probably, it seems from reading some of these post. After all, being from a lower economic class is a crime that should be punished severely.

    I also see the Harrison P.D. & Fire Department get the same abuse from the residents they always have. Interesting how the "Newark" comparison is also still alive and well too. Harrison is not now, or ever has been even close to being on par with Newark. It is in large part due to the HARD work of the Harrison P.D & F.D. and always has been, and of course a Mayor & counsel that supports their efforts. Anyone remember guys named Frank Rodgers, Kinsella, Saporito or Greene? Each one of them personally saw to it, Harrison would not fall into the abyss, and it hasn't. The comparison with Newark is almost laughable. Maybe you should take a ride up to So. Orange Ave & Bergen St. or So. 6th,7th, 8th, 9th, etc. & see for yourself. (Not the Pac center area)

    The calls for the disbanding of the Fire Department, surely you jest. I currently live in a town that has "volunteer" firemen, although their effort is admirable, it is not the same as 24x7-365 professional protection. Answer this question honestly ,if you can. If your Mother,wife or child was trapped in a burning building at lets say, 2 PM which one would you choose, the professional or volunteer? (Remember at 2PM most volunteers are working other jobs)

    Harrison is not a perfect town and never will be, like most other towns. You can move to a perfect town however, just drive down Utopia Blvd. Make a right on to the Wonderland Parkway and you are there. Oh, I almost forgot, you have to click your heels three times first.

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