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White Trash Ho-down

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Looks like all the White Trashes are up on Kearny & Afton tonight gettin' married and arrested. Why can't they ever keep the two separate?

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Looks like all the White Trashes are up on Kearny & Afton tonight gettin' married and arrested. Why can't they ever keep the two separate?

Whats going on on Kearny & Afton? Can't drive over there since I'm out of town. What happened?

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and Portuguese trash.....

but I'm still wondering what happened is it the two woman who got "married" this week??? If so then I agree, it is the start of something VERY strange in this town!

Unfortunately with issues like this, our hands are tied, just something new to try and explain to our children.......

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Guest who cares? I know I don't

What? 2 women got married to each other? whats the big deal? really?

So what? Why does it matter to anybody what two people who love each other no matter what the case may be (hetero or homo) do? What because the bible says its wrong? Which that in its self is a falacy. It cant be stopped really people are going to do what they want when they want and how they want whenever they want..... where there is a will there is a way. lol and you people are talking about white trash ...your no better then they are ofcourse not your from the great ole land of kearny lol the whole town is one big waste product. And this board is really a waste of webspace because all people do is "troll" around here critising people for what they do or the desicions they make. So what its not your life so but the hell out and mind your own buissness and let people mind thiers. Heres one....

Here comes Kearny trash...... Trash Trash and more TRASH. HA!!

Yes and the town is full of it too we need a cleansing of epic proportions!

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I am white trash and am very happy to be living in Kearny. I feel right at home. I have also written to all my white trash relatives and friends and told'em how friendly ya'll are. And don't call me poor, cause i owwn a bed that never has to be made, its the back of my pick-up truck. Ya'll come back sometimes, here.

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