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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    Did I say that was her score? Learn to read. Become literate. It may be a life changing experience for you, guest. I was trying to make a point by replying to the poster who talked about Michelle Obama's SAT scores. Which is, zip it when you don't know what you are talking about. I notice you didn't criticize that poster for his/her erroneous comment. Its reported that McCain's IQ is 133 (maybe now was?). http://isteve.blogspot.com/2008/04/mccains-reported-iq.html By the way Bush's SAT scores are verbal: 566; math: 640 http://archive.salon.com/politics2000/feat...2000/04/17/sat/ What does that prove? Don't worry about the SAT scores.
  2. Bern


    They thank you for being so candid. You can be sure that this will be widely distributed as an example of a "typical" Obama supporter.
  3. The newly lowered reputation to the Town was thanks to Mr P who acted illegally and the school administration and school board who were "hesitant" in resolving the problem. Don't blame the kid who told the truth. This would never have gotten outside of the school if Mr P or others owned up to Mr P's folly and took corrective action.
  4. Bern

    Obama caught red-handed.

    Its not a rewrite. These things are in the congressional record as is the bill co-sponsored by McCain. The link to the bill was given in the article http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:SN00190:@@@P Obama now decries all these financial irregularities, but notice that he did not do anything to resolve this, unlike McCain. McCain is also right in asking to have Cox, the SEC Chairman replaced. Cox is the head of the SEC which changed the regulations to allow the financial houses to leverege 40 to 1 on their loans. From the McLaughlin group telecast 9/21
  5. Bern

    Obama caught red-handed.

    Where's your story? All you did was show a chart.
  6. Bern

    Obama caught red-handed.

    Your graphic and this story don't agree. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington...age-giants.html It would be better if you posted the story that went with the graphic. This way we can get some context out of this.
  7. Bern

    How Do You Do It?

    It that really true? When I went to public school, I and everyone else used our regular everyday clothes for school. Our parents did not have the additional expense of buying a special outfit for school.
  8. But the pastor is very Christian in following the scriptures, which say that witches exist. How do you know the woman was not a witch? Were you there? Or are you a heathen, not a Judeo Christian? Do you want the pastor to renounce the scriptures?
  9. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    What I expected. You blab about SAT scores but you have no idea of what the scores are. Would you be surprised if I told you her score was 550 Reading and 420 Math?
  10. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    What was her SAT score?
  11. Do we really care? Does anyone really think Bush would be of use during the decision process? The real decision makers can have their meetings and then tell Bush to rubber stamp their decisions. They can even save him the trouble of showing up by having a pre-ordered stamp ready.
  12. Bern

    How Do You Do It?

    Forget the fund raisers. Its enough that you spent all this money on uniforms. They should learn to run a decent school using their bloated budget. If any staff member puts pressure on your kids, see the staff member and if need be the principal. Let them know pressuring kids for money in a public school is completely unacceptable and if it continues you'll sue them for harassment. When I went to school, extra curricular activities and supplies came out of the school budget. We never has fund raisers. School budgets become more and more bloated while they're busy hitting the kids and parents up for more and more money.
  13. Bern

    Teleprompter Dude

    Yeah, umhh, okay. I gave the above You Tube video link. Its obvious Obama would be the one getting stomped. The whole point of an election is to get the most votes. Obama would do town halls day and night if he thought he could do better than McCain. Obama is the one who chickened out. Here are some more. A bit nasty but it shows he's not the brightest knife in the drawer
  14. Bern

    Obama caught red-handed.

    No wonder we have problems. A quasi governmental agency paying off politicians. It was less than 500,000 but Obama was the second largest recipient. Our tax dollars at work. Don't expect to get it back.
  15. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    You couldn't find the link? You couldn't find the You Tube video where Percy Sutton imparted his information? I can see why you are an Obamite - you have no analytical skills.
  16. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    Here's some more on your "reformer" from Real Clear Politics http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...rm_in_illi.html
  17. Bern

    Teleprompter Dude

    This shows one reason why Obama refused town halls
  18. Bern

    Teleprompter Dude

    But he's so accomplished
  19. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    Depends on who you know or who writes you references. Ask Bush and Obama. Here's how Obama did it
  20. Bern

    McCain is lying

    Why reply to a silly post. That is like me starting a thread titled "Obama is lying" and then giving the Google the result: Results 1 - 10 of about 5,170,000 for obama is lying. (0.29 seconds) Should I now list all 5,170,000 links? Its ridiculous. What was the point? There is no end to the silliness of you Obama supporters, is there?
  21. Bern

    KHS Teacher Controversy

    You're an absolute idiot. Anyone listening to the tapes knows that P preached in class. Also, P admitted it in the principal's office. P denied it to the principal until Matt said he had tapes whereupon P said "you got me." This is something which was discussed many times, long ago with the facts being very obvious. Bringing it up now with your obviously false assertions is pure idiocy. Are you trolling for attention? As for your comment on intelligent design The science curricula is based on science. Its not based on beliefs, which intelligent design is. Intelligent design belongs in the Church, not in the science classroom. Using you reasoning, because many believe in astrology, then astrology should be taught in the science classroom so we don't intrude on their beliefs.
  22. I don't know if the intent was to get us to invade the Middle East. I think they wanted to hurt us and show we are weak. However, our invading the Mid East is a bonus to them. They do intend to weaken us politically and financially. Remove that projection of American power. They succeeded. We are no longer respected and are no longer capable of building the type of alliance we had during Gulf War I. Other countries are now taking the lead in international diplomacy and crisis resolution. France took the lead with Russia. China takes the lead in reining in North Korea. Pakistan will do whatever they want. With McCain things will remain the same. But don't expect much change with Obama. He's committed to beefing up in Afghanistan and in attacking Pakistani territory without permission of the Pakistan government. The American wounded will be reported as having been wounded outside of Pakistan.
  23. Bern


    I know that but basically she said she will commit us going to war to support Georgia. Her regret was that Georgia was not part of Nato, missing the chance to go to war. But now she will push to have Georgia join, thereby giving us that "war" opportunity. You have to realize that the Georgian president won a dodgy election big time. This after his opponent, the prime minister of Georgia and leader of the Rose Revolution mysteriously died in a carbon monoxide poisoning accident at his home. The regime is extremely corrupt. The President of Georgian has turned the whole country into a family business - his family members run all the government concessions. His popularity was down to 7%, before the "war." In 2007, his own defense minister accused him of corruption and murder. His ex-defense minister is now living as a refugee under protective custody in Paris. And he's the guy we're supporting? By the way, even if we push hard, the chances of Georgia joining Nato are zero. The European governments cannot accept a nation that is spoiling to embroil them in a war with Russia.
  24. Bern

    Obama the Liar

    Since this came out I've haven't seen anyone from that company supporting Obama's assertions or decrying Armstrong's statement. Armstrong has not been shown to be a liar, unlike the duplicitous and very political Obama
  25. Bern

    Feeding Frenzy

    Is Obama really the nice, happy, personable, looking guy being marketed on TV or is he something else? You decide.
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