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God Save Us From Christians

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Everything posted by God Save Us From Christians

  1. And speaking of "truly nonsensical/insulting/uneducated tripe" here we have another intelligent post by "2smart4u." another product of the Kearny Public School system I guess.
  2. Thanks for your comments anonymous Guest. When the majority of Christians stop voting like sheep for the blithering idiots, I'll reconsider my handle. When blithering idiots like James Dobson have a say in who he likes for the Republican Nominations, and the millions who follow him gladly pull the lever just becuase the candidate happens to be a "Christian," we're in real trouble. If those are the real Christians, the silent people who allow their religion to be taken over by those blitering idiots need to wake up and say something.
  3. You can't read this article unless you pay for the Times Select, but it's a great article about the Christian Reconstructionists, Regent University, current Bush Administration scandals, and the Bush Administration's number one desire - to make an American Christian Theocracy. http://select.nytimes.com/2007/04/13/opini...krugman.html?hp Some points: ** Regent University, founded by the televangelist Pat Robertson to provide “Christian leadership to change the world,” boasts that it has 150 graduates working in the Bush administration. ** the most famous of those graduates is Monica Goodling, a product of the university’s law school. She’s the former top aide to Alberto Gonzales who appears central to the scandal of the fired U.S. attorneys and has declared that she will take the Fifth rather than testify to Congress on the matter. ** The official platform of the Texas Republican Party pledges to “dispel the myth of the separation of church and state.” ** Kay Cole James, who had extensive connections to the religious right and was the dean of Regent’s government school, was the federal government’s chief personnel officer from 2001 to 2005. (Curious fact: she then took a job with Mitchell Wade, the businessman who bribed Representative Randy “Duke” Cunningham.) ** George Deutsch, the presidential appointee at NASA who told a Web site designer to add the word “theory” after every mention of the Big Bang, to leave open the possibility of “intelligent design by a creator.” He turned out not to have, as he claimed, a degree from Texas A&M. ** Rachel Paulose, the U.S. attorney in Minnesota — three of whose deputies recently stepped down, reportedly in protest over her management style — is, according to a local news report, in the habit of quoting Bible verses in the office? ** Claude Allen, the presidential aide and former deputy secretary of health and human services, who stepped down after being investigated for petty theft. Most press reports, though they mentioned Mr. Allen’s faith, failed to convey the fact that he built his career as a man of the hard-line Christian right. ** Regent isn’t a religious university the way Loyola or Yeshiva are religious universities. It’s run by someone whose first reaction to 9/11 was to brand it God’s punishment for America’s sins. Two days after the terrorist attacks, Mr. Robertson held a conversation with Jerry Falwell on Mr. Robertson’s TV show “The 700 Club.” Mr. Falwell laid blame for the attack at the feet of “the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians,” not to mention the A.C.L.U. and People for the American Way. “Well, I totally concur,” said Mr. Robertson. So, boys and girls, while we sit here debating whether the Bible is the Word of God, these lunatics have taken over the US Federal Government. Good thing they didn't get their "Permanent Republican Majority" and we are still in a democracy can can vote these Taliban out of office next year. But the final paragraph of the article is the most ominous: ** The Bush administration’s implosion clearly represents a setback for the Christian right’s strategy of infiltration. But it would be wildly premature to declare the danger over. This is a movement that has shown great resilience over the years. It will surely find new champions. Next week Rudy Giuliani will be speaking at Regent’s Executive Leadership Series........... God save us all from the Christians.
  4. Bryan, you are really an idiot. This is not a question of free speech. Pasckewicz has all the free speech he wants outside the school building. He can stand on street corners and hold signs that say "Dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark" and the world can ignore him if they want to. But inside a classroom, where he is the authority figure, he has no right to free speech, especially when it concerns his religious views. We're back to same original argument - if it was a Muslim teacher preaching that all Christians are infidels and will go to hell, I'm sure you would be upset and demand something be done. Or if the teacher was a German and told his students that the Holocaust was all a Jewish fiction, people would be up in arms. Or if the teacher was Black, and told his classroom that the Aids epidemic in Africa was a white man conspiracy to destroy the black population, he'd be fired as soon as you walk through the door. The bottom two scenarios are true. Both teachers were fired for their comments. Why isn't Paskewicz fired? Because the Christian Evangelical Taliban are in power, not the Nazis, the Africans, or the Muslims. The only argument here, despite all your feeble attempts to dissect every written word, is that Paskewicz was preaching his religious views in the classroom and should have been fired. That he wasn't shows what a laughing stock the town of Kearny is.
  5. Just make sure none of them are Christian Evangelicals who want to replace real leaning with "intelligent design" and other Biblical pablum.
  6. Not only possible, but entirely plausible. Christians themselves are the anti-Christ. May God save us from the Christians.
  7. Actually the Christians in Kearny got together and decided that there were too many non-Christians in that league, and some of the kids, teenagers, were already doing bad things like saying curse words and looking at girls. Kids that age should be in church, period. Baseball is a bad influence, with suspect role models like those drug users Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire. Plus baseball promotes drinking, which is a sin. So the pony leagues were banned because of their non-Christian influence.
  8. Christians are allowed to lie, get divorced, have affairs, do drugs, sleep with hired male prostitutes, sleep with hired female prostitutes, take illegal campaign contributions, have children out of wedlock, etc. etc. etc. At least according to their leadership - Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Jesse Jackson, etc. God save us all from the Christians.
  9. How has this been corrected? Paskewicz is still teaching, no apology has been offered, no rebuke has been given to him. This has not been corrected until the person responsible has been held accountable.
  10. Yes, that what real Patriots do. They support freedom. Not like you who sits at home and plays with *** ***** **** *** **** *** ****** *** ****. KOTW Note: The above post was edited for content.
  11. Nope, your vision is very clear. You want a police state, ruled by Theocrats that hold your narrow view of the Holy Book. Like they have in Iran. Like the Taliban. Your posts make it painfully obvious the kind of country you want to live in. You call yourself a "Patriot" yet you want an American Theocracy, where only the narrowest views of your religion are accepted, and all other views should be silenced.
  12. God you are so stupid. You really reflect well on the town of Kearny. There is no issue with whether people believe in God or not. You are free to believe in whatever you want to believe. I believe in a God. I don't believe in Jesus. I don't care what people believe as long as they don't try to 1) tell me it's the only truth, and 2) preach it to my kids in public school. The Mayor made a bold statement and just earned my vote again. Deal with Pascewicz the right way and this issue will die. But as long as ignorant people like "Guest" above are around, it will always come back.
  13. The truth about the Catholic Church: http://www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=corrupt The truth about Christian Ministers: http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa...et.87be631.html I guess Christians like to spend $20,000,000 on private Jet planes to spread the Gospel. The truth about the poster called "Patriot": .Picture of Poster Patriot Sorry, couldn't resist that last one But you can see how stupid your arguments are when you generalize and pick one detail to amplify. Good thing for me, the christian church is chock full of hypocrisy, pedophelia, murder, mass slaughter, etc.
  14. Yes. I agree. Music, Drama, Arts should transcend all of this. Put aside differences and enjoy the show.
  15. Yep, they sure do! Kearny High School, Franklin School, Lincoln School, Roosevelt, etc.
  16. I guess the only way to shut Bryan up is to start the trial and let the judge decide.
  17. Gee, I thought the bit about dinosaurs on Noah's Ark was the most useless information.
  18. To claim that Christianity is the only true faith, and that people who don't accept Jesus as savior are going to hell is what is forbidden in class. You can play all your semantic games, Bryan, but the fact remains that P. should keep his religious views to himself or his fellow Baptists.
  19. Hello again "Patriot." Who said anything about denying God? Just because I don't believe in Jesus doesn't mean that I don't believe in a God. You see, you Christians tend to be so oblique to any view but your own. As if your version of history is the right one, and your holy book is the only one that is true. How sad for you my ignorant "Patriot." It's your soul that is lost, since you don't follow the one true God. But there is still time to renounce the cult you have joined and see the world with real eyes.
  20. Christians in general are deterred by facts. They don't like facts. Facts are provable, unlike their faith, which they expect everyone to buy into. How sad for Mr. P that he is finally exposed for the bigot he really is.
  21. The ACLU also represents YOU, moron. Of course, you believe that dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark, so intelligence doesn't count for much. But the ACLU protects YOU from totalitarianism. Although you are fan of totalitarianism, most normal people aren't. Oh, in case you need to know what totalitarianism means, your dictionary is holding open your window.
  22. I think this is true. It's the dogmatics of any faith or lack thereof that causes the problems. Rather than trying to be right, or prove the other side wrong, why can't we just get along, and accept each other's beliefs and not try to force your beliefs on another?
  23. Um, in what language are you writing?
  24. Nope he doesn't. And all his other arguments about being a CHRISTIAN NATION are falling away. All he has left is his hatred and bigotry now. Perhaps he's a closet homosexual. That would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
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